Frequently Asked Questions
We are expected to take in 7-10 children per house. We want to open more homes to help as many children as possible.
Currently, we are working toward finding a land donation.
We would like our first ranch to be located in
South or Central Florida.
We will supply housing, food, education, clothing, health care, and develop and nurture children’s natural talents.
We search the community, schools, shelter, churches, and word of month for children that need our help.
After kids leave our homes they are always welcomed back. We love them as family and will accept them as any family would. We will offer education on independent living skills.
Yes. All donations made to the Wildfire Ranch are tax deductible.
Yes. Wildfire Ranch accepts all kinds of donations, from land and stocks, to material and labor. Please contact us to get more information on how to donate.
We offer full scholarships in which children and parents never pay. The wildfire ranch becomes the legal guardian of the children and provides them with everything they need to live a happy and successful childhood.
Our funding will come only from donations from people like you, events, and affiliated corporate partners/sponsors. Our goal is to generate our own revenue, with systems to create sustainable funding.
We are setting up volunteering opportunities for the set up of our ranch prior to opening. Get in our list and be the first to know how you can make a difference.
Our first event will be a memorable and private for our first 100 donors to thank them for believing in us from day one. It will take place in the first quarter of 2022.
Yes. Joseph officially became a ward of the state of Maine at age 8, and aged out in the system. He went to 46 foster homes, and childrens homes. Goodwill Hinckley is the place he felt at home. As an adult he saw it be closed due to loss of funding and that is what drove him to open up his own children’s home with sustainable funding.